Scott Brinker, marketing technology celebrity and editor of the essential blog, announced Datapipe’s Marketing technology stack as the winner of the inaugural “Stackies” contest. Never have marketing stacks received such a spotlight, and it’s an honor to be part of what will hopefully become a long tradition.
Here’s what Scott has to say about our entry:
This is a beautifully thought out marketing stack. It’s organized primarily by flow across the buyer’s journey, which keeps the customer in mind throughout its architecture. “How does this particular piece of software move buyers forward?” is a great question to ask for every component in a stack.
Under that umbrella, it also clusters components for different marketing functions — SEO, conversion, email marketing, remarketing, CRM, etc. — which acknowledges the different kinds of specialized capabilities required into well-known marketing technology categories. And to boot, it also maps out some of the data flow between these components. The synthesis of these different lenses into a cohesive design is remarkable.
You can read entire coverage of the award and other winners here.
In addition to fame amongst a very small — but fervent — group of marketing technologist, the first place award gave us the opportunity to route $1,000 in award winnings to charity:water.
Here’s our award winning stack; please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about its components or functionality.

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